Mobile phones are an integral part of people’s lives. People can avoid their friends and family but they ignore their smartphones. With the advancement in technology, our personal life is completely shifted to online platforms. Be it our bank account details and other id & passwords, all is safe on our mobile phones. Therefore, it is mandatory to keep a security check on our data on mobile phones.
However, phone hackers are becoming more rampant. Therefore, it is necessary to always vigilant about your phone’s performance because any unexpected thing could be a sign of system or hardware breaches.

Because of the Internet, cybercriminals or other online attackers are becoming more stealthy.
This is why it is important to know the most common signs that hint to you about whether your phone is being hacked or not.
1. Unwanted pop-ups:
If you see inappropriate pop-ups or X-rated advertisements, it might be possible that your phone has been hacked.
2. Battery life:
If your phone battery drains at an alarming rate, then you must ignore this sign.
3. Unknown calls and messages initiated from the phone:
If you see some messages or calls not made by you, then it could be done by a hacker.
4. Unrecognized activity on your social media accounts:
If you find any activity on social media accounts that are not done by you then it is a work of a hacker.
5. Data usage:
If your data usage is higher than normal then you should need to fix it immediately. Because cybercriminals can install some unknown malicious applications that experience too much data.
Also Read: Don’t try to search these things on Google in your life
First published: 28 April 2022, 17:58 IST