Facebook formed data-sharing partnerships with 60 device manufacturing enterprises which include big names like Apple and Microsoft and provided them with access to the private information of the users including whom they are friends with reported NDTV claiming a media report. The news has come to surface weeks after the online giant faced a widespread criticism for breaching the data privacy of their users and selling it to other enterprises that caused personal data loss to approximately 87 million world over.
Facebook, that started operating in 2004, has formed data-sharing partnerships with at least 60 device manufacturing companies, including Apple, Amazon, BlackBerry, Microsoft and Samsung- over the last decade, there came various mobile devices that came with the pre-installed Facebook App.
The New York Times yesterday revealed the partnerships, shedding new light on the social media giant's behaviour related to customer data in the wake of a scandal involving the British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica which drew flak from all over the world.
Tesla CEO, Elon Musk was among the strongest of the voices that rose against Facebook's data breaching. Going to the extent of deleting his personal and Tesla's official Facebook page in the wake of data breaching row.
"Facebook allowed the device companies access to the data of users' friends without their explicit consent, even after declaring that it would no longer share such information with outsiders," the daily said reporting the results of its investigation as reported by NDTV.
Facebook CEO had admitted in April that he made a 'huge mistake' as the personal data of 87 million of Facebook users was misused and their privacy compromised.