The bare truth: mass nude photographer set to expose Trump's politics

Imagine a protest. A silent, almost still protest. A protest with a sea of people.
Now, imagine all of them stark naked.
Photographer Spencer Tunick specialises in nudes, but not the regular artsy beautiful woman kind. Tunick celebrates every body type, by blending them into one another. In the thousands. As he defines it himself, his photos are that of "individuals en masse, without their clothing, grouped together, metamorphosed into a new shape."

His latest project, titled ' Everything She Says Means Everything', enlists 100 women in Cleveland to hold up large mirrors while in the nude. The mirrors, according to Tunick's website, reflect "the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of 'Mother Nature'." Since this isn't political enough already, this "knowledge and wisdom" (or blinding light from the sun) will be reflected at visitors to the Republican National Convention, as a sign of protest.
Tunick, in an interview with Cleveland Scene, while explaining why women need to speak up against Donald Trump, said, "The work is for my daughters, for their future, for them not to grow up in a society with hate, for them to grow up in a world with less violence toward women and more opportunities for them."
The photoshoot will take place on 17 July, 2016, the day before the Republican National Convention is set to take place in Cleveland.
And wouldn't that be effective. Because if one were to go by Tunick's work so far, it completely normalises the human body by placing it in a cluster. A cluster where age, sex, race and body type melt into a homogenous mix of human bodies. And what better way is there than that to reject politics that attempt to divide us?
Text by Durga M Sengupta