Jaipur: The cutoff for admission to government colleges in Shahpura has been released by the College Commissioner's Office, Jaipur, on Tuesday. The merit list and waiting list for admission to the first year of graduation have been made available.
In Shahpura, a total of 3,332 seats are available in three government colleges for admission to the first year of graduation. The highest cutoff of 91.80% has been recorded in Biology at Baba Ganga Das Government Women's College, while the lowest cutoff of 41.60% has been recorded in Commerce at Baba Bhagwandas Government College, Chimanpura.
According to the information, 752 seats are available in Baba Bhagwandas Government College, Chimanpura, out of which 756 students have applied. In Baba Narayandas Government Arts College, Chimanpura, 2,000 seats are available, and 2,579 students have applied online.
The cutoff for admission to Baba Ganga Das Government Women's College, Shahpura, is as follows:
| Category | Biology | Maths | Commerce | Arts |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| General | 91.80 | 88.60 | 52.20 | 85.80 |
| EWS | 82.80 | 82.00 | - | 48.20 |
| OBC | 88.80 | 86.00 | - | 77.80 |
| SC | 87.40 | 75.80 | - | 70.40 |
| ST | 76.40 | 70.00 | - | 47.20 |
| MBC | 90.60 | 86.00 | - | 82.20 |
The cutoff for admission to Baba Bhagwandas Government College, Chimanpura, is as follows:
| Category | Biology | Maths | Commerce |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| General | 88.40 | 87.20 | 47.80 |
| EWS | 78.20 | 76.80 | - |
| OBC | 83.80 | 83.00 | 41.60 |
| SC | 77.20 | 72.60 | - |
| ST | 64.40 | 64.00 | - |
| MBC | 84.20 | 79.40 | - |
The cutoff for admission to Baba Narayandas Government Arts College, Chimanpura, is as follows:
| Category | Arts |
| --- | --- |
| General | 76.2 |
| EWS | 49.6 |
| OBC | 68.4 |
| SC | 60.00 |
| ST | 42.6 |
| MBC | 73.6 |
Students who have been selected on the merit list can complete their document verification and fee payment by July 25. The first list of admitted students will be published on July 26.